To teach or not to teach

For the third year in a row I’ve been excessed from my school.

(I realize that I should be grateful that I have a job, however I don’t just want “a job.”) 

Here’s my dilemma.

I want to teach, and I know I want to teach English (preferably at my current school).  English is my passion.  It’s what I’m good at (aside from any spelling/grammatical/stylistic error you may find herein). 

(Believe me, there are many times (particularly when marking is high, and energy is low) when I wish I was good at math, or science or gym, etc.  Why oh why must I only be “good” at the subject that involves the MOST marking?!?)

Anyway, given the uncertainty of what/where I will be teaching come September, it has forced me to really think about whether I still want to teach, if I’m not able to teach English, or if I’m not able to remain at my current school.  (This isn’t a decision I’m taking lightly.)  I know that my place is in the secondary panel, rather than the elementary panel.  And I know that I’m happy where I am.  What I don’t know is whether I’ll be forced to accept a position elsewhere, teaching something other than English.  Any change (either of location or subject matter) will require a lot of preparation, and I just don’t have the time outside of my working hours.  What will that mean?  Additionally, I’d like to also incorporate more writing into my already packed schedule.  How do I go about doing that too?

Interestingly enough, when I was at the Faculty of Ed, we were all told that teachers are professionals that have so many skills, needed in so many other workplaces/industries, etc. and that our skills would be transferrable to a variety of other professions, yet why is it that I don’t know what else I’d do other than teach?

This brings my to the saying I’ve heard before: those who can, write, and those who can’t, teach.  I, most definitely, disagree with this statement, but how do I go about doing both?  Can my identity be both (English) teacher and writer? Or are they mutually exclusive for me?

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